Content marketing & strategy agency

Content is king. It’s the meat that Google bites into. It builds authority and trust. It’s both the foundation and backbone of your online presence.

What is content marketing?

Content is a term that describes everything you publish and release online: the text and media on your website, the informative PDFs you attach to emails, the posts you upload to social media and more.

Content marketing is the act of creating and releasing this content in order to strategically grow your business.

It may not be immediately apparent how writing a how-to blog or posting a behind the scenes video will result in a sale. This is because content often sits at the very start of the sales funnel. It’s less about generating direct revenue than it is about building brand awareness and brand preference.

At Growth Partners we’re experts at using content to cast your net wide, guiding a larger audience into your sales funnel and converting them to customers.

Why is content important?

There are three main ways that content like blogs, videos, PDFs, podcasts and social media posts can help your business develop and grow:

Educate your audience

People with a problem that you can solve or a need that you can meet will want to learn about your solution. Content can provide that education while positioning your brand as an authority. When the time comes to buy, you’ll spring to mind.

Increase your online footprint

From chatting to Siri to scrolling social media, search habits are changing. Well crafted content takes this evolution into account to make you more visible online, making you more Googleable and increasing your reach and engagement on social media. It is created and optimised to get you in front of more eyes.

Build authority, rank higher

Quality content results in other websites linking back to it. These backlinks are a key factor in search engine algorithms as they indicate that a website is authoritative and trustworthy. Content is therefore vital for SEO. It will help you rank higher while also developing your online reputation.

Chris Loukakis

Strategic Director, AnalogFolk

We used Growth Partners on a project with one of the biggest brands in the world who are in almost every retail and commerce category. Sam and the Growth Partners team were able to complement our brand first approach to provide a data-led strategy which allowed us and our client to prioritise categories, define topics and create a robust content strategy.

Our content marketing strategy

The best type of content is whatever delivers value to the audience.

Social media content can generate brand awareness. Text-based content can make you more Googleable. Downloadable content can generate leads. Visual content can help you clearly explain your value proposition. Interactive content like calculators and quizzes can drive enquiries and conversations.

People consume content in different formats, on different devices and through the different stages of the customer journey: Awareness, Consideration and Transaction. It’s tempting to focus purely on that Transaction phase, as those customers are ready to buy. That’s exactly what many businesses do.

But not if you work with Growth Partners.

We develop both an overarching content marketing strategy and the content to drive it, hitting every stage of the customer journey to ensure you enjoy all the benefits that quality content can bring. We analyse the market to create highly relevant and in-demand content that will result in brand awareness, authority and trust building, lead generation and sales.

We’ll use data to clearly outline the role that content can play in helping your business grow and tell you the return you can expect from your content marketing investment.

Since engaging with Growth Partners

We've seen strong improvements in our web traffic globally.

“As well as incremental lead growth from the new pages & topics we’ve published content around, & improvements in our rankings across key terms. The team is producing relevant content at a rapid pace, & have worked closely with us to align our ways of working & processes to achieve results quickly.”

Mark Dawson
Director, Performance Marketing

A new approach to content marketing

Our DigitalArchitect SystemⓇ is the secret to our success. It’s how we grow revenues differently. It uses data and science to form a clear blueprint for digital growth. We use data to provide the following insights and answers:

  • Ways your top competitors are engaging with YOUR customers.
  • How to use these insights to talk with customers that didn’t know you exist.
  • How to generate more leads for your sales team.
  • How to grow your market share.
  • How to stop wasting money on content that your customers aren’t interested in.
  • What your website should look like to maximise engagement with prospective customers
  • How to maximise your growth potential.
  • The ROI you can expect from your digital marketing investment.

In short, we bring clarity to digital marketing.

Our content marketing services

Content marketing strategy

Keyword research and quantitative data drives our content approach. We help you to develop content that aligns with user needs and search behaviours. We work to understand and speak to prospective customers, using emotive triggers and addressing pain points.

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Content creation

We create content for you to share through email, post on social media or publish on third-party sites. This content will educate, entertain and engage, which will build brand awareness and drive backlinks for content marketing SEO.

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Blog writing

We write blogs that offer real value to potential customers by answering the questions they’re asking through every stage of the customer journey. Over time this sees you build an authoritative and trustworthy presence in the market.

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Communication is key. Our expert copywriters will make your message more compelling than ever.

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Create engaging content today

Looking for multi-million dollar growth? Content marketing forms a key part of our holistic DigitalArchitect SystemⓇ  , which has already generated $100+ million in revenue for businesses just like yours.


Lead generation is the process of capturing the contact information of potential customers. Content offers an effective way to generate leads.

High-quality content that your target customers are interested in can be traded for contact details – you can make it downloadable or supply it as part of an email subscription. This content can take any form: an ebook, a video tutorial, a short course, whatever your potential customers might deem valuable enough to trade for their details.

At Growth Partners we conduct deep research to understand the questions that your audience is asking, then use that intel to build the most compelling lead gen content possible.

Most businesses use content to focus on their products, services and brand – in other words, they use it to talk about themselves. While this form of content might be effective for those who are ready to buy, the Transaction phase is just the final – and relatively small – part of the customer journey.

Creating effective content demands a more considered, data-driven approach with a greater focus on the initial stages of the user journey funnel.

  • Awareness: Content crafted for the Awareness phase captures the audience’s attention, exposes your brand to more relevant eyes and establishes your brand as an authority. When the time comes to buy, this audience will feel confident purchasing from you.
  • Consideration: This is the stage where potential customers have an understanding of what you do but are trying to determine why going with you, as opposed to one of your competitors, is the best idea. It is critical at this stage to highlight your key brand differentiators to truly stand out.

Our content experts will analyse your online presence and long-term goals, then create a content marketing strategy that hits all stages of the buyer journey.

The term ‘content’ covers a vast array of informative material that can be delivered to your audience in a number of ways:

  • On your site: In the form of a blog, an information page, an embedded video or downloadable material.
  • On third-party sites: In ads, as guest posts or as backlinks to your site.
  • On social media platforms: As text, image, video or linked posts on your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube profiles.
  • In direct messages: As attachments/links in emails/direct messages.